Neodrive Z20

German-engineered Class 1, torque-based, hub-motor.

Intuitive, Efficient, and Powerful

The Neodrive Z20 is an intuitive, torque-based, 250W, Class 1 electric motor system characterized by smooth, raw power, efficient battery use, and extreme reliability.


A rear wheel built around a Neodrive Z20 motor system is a plug-in replacement for a derailleur-based rear-wheel. With standard Catrike through-axle systems like the 5.5.9., Dumont, or Expedition, a Neodrive Z20 motor system plugs into the trike with no adjustments to gearing or shifting.

Catrike owners opting for a Neodrive Z20 electric-assist keep their full 3x10 30-speed shifting system and get maximum gear range.

Intuitive Control

The Z20 responds to the pedaling force. If you push harder, it pushes harder. If you don't push, it waits until you are ready. The end-result is smooth, intuitive engagement.

You tell it which level of bionic power you want, and it responds, quietly and powerfully.

When a hill looks daunting, bump it up.

Energy Efficiency

A 612Wh battery goes much further than you might have imagined when its energy is frugally maximized.

Inefficient motors get hot and when they get hot, they get more inefficient.

Neodrive motors keep cool and don't waste energy heating up, so you get maximum miles per charge.

The Z20 motor can also regenerate motion energy back into electrical battery potential. This lets you go further on a charge because less energy is wasted in your brakes.

Where's the Reverse?

It's in the motor.

If you have ever been stuck, or just wanted your motor to back you up, look no further. The Neodrive has reverse power built in.

Try doing that with a mid-drive...

9 / 2023
Neodrive Z20